9 Actors Who Played Other, Better Actors

8. James Franco As James Dean

Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp, and Leonardo DiCaprio were all attached to the part of James Dean for this biopic which languished in development hell for around a decade. Any one of them could likely have played the role well, but the authenticity James Franco brings to the table is inarguable. Before filming began, Franco immersed himself completely in Dean€™s world. He researched the character obsessively, met with the actor€™s close friends, and learned how to ride a motorcycle and play guitar. Despite being a non-smoker, he even began smoking two packs of cigarettes a day. The dedication to the role seemingly paid off, as while Franco€™s physical resemblance to Dean is uncanny, the performance itself is absolutely convincing. He went on to win a Golden Globe Award for his performance, though a bigger accomplishment could be that he has since given up smoking.

Lover of Audrey Hepburn, Clint Eastwood and Steve McQueen. Also writes things. Went to university. Learned lots.