9 Actors Whose Big Break Movies Almost Ruined Their Careers

5. Jack Huston - Ben-Hur

Ben Hur
Warner Bros. Pictures

On the back of his performance in Boardwalk Empire, Jack Huston should have been big business in films by now, and he did score some good roles thanks to playing Richard Harrow, like Kill Your Darlings and American Hustle.

But he had to wait until the misguided remake of Ben-Hur for a real tent-pole leading role. He showed an incredible level of commitment and did his own stunts, but it wasn't enough to make it anything more than terrible and a costly disaster for the studio, who lost a cool $120m on it.

Huston was ok in it, but there was no reason for it to exist when the original was so good, and it's hard to shake off that big a turkey.

Did He Survive It?

His reputation has taken an almighty dent, and it's questionable whether he'll ever get a lead role like that again, but he does have The Irishman coming in 2019 (possibly), which should put him back on the right path.


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