8. Katherine Heigl

There's really no reason why this woman is still being forced upon audiences. She's shown Hollywood that she can't headline a movie, and that her uptight screen persona isn't the sort of thing you want to see in film after film. She got some seriously bad press from the cast and crew of Grey's Anatomy, and has kind of a bad reputation stemming from her time working with the Judd Apatow crew. People in Hollywood have long memories. When you see an actor who has collaborated on several quality projects with the same director, that usually tells you something - they're probably not the most difficult person in the world to work with. After all, why would a director put themselves through hell twice? Likewise, when you see directors refusing to work with actors that have been in their previous films, that's usually a red flag. After slagging off Knocked Up, the film that got her a tremendous amount of exposure, and famously not being asked to appear in the sequel This is 40, I'm shocked that directors are willing to take a chance on her. Especially considering the limited return on their investment. Last Decent Film: 2007's Knocked Up