9 Annoying Movie Characters That Only Existed To Explain The Plot

6. Water Mains Controller - Batman Begins

Batman Nolan€™s Batman films have several characters inserted in who explain what€™s happening at times when it really isn't necessary - the cops during the first Batman chase always irks a lot of people - but the real kicker for me has to be the guy at the water main€™s centre in Batman Begins. Every time I watch this sequence in what is an otherwise perfect blockbuster I cringe a little inside. Throughout the film the microwave emitter has been overtly teased and before giving chase to Ra's Al Ghul Batman even takes some time out to fully explain to Gordon just what the evil scheme is afoot. That should be it - even the slowest audience member is up to speed and we can now get on with the final battle - but instead we have to be reminded every ten seconds just what€™s at stake. It€™s as if the film suddenly started pandering to people who arrived at the cinema two hours late. For all its brooding tone, Batman Begins feels the most like a traditional blockbuster out of The Dark Knight Trilogy and it€™s best shown in these moments where the film overly explains relatively simple plot points.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.