9 Annoying Movie Characters That Only Existed To Explain The Plot

4. Parker Selfridge - Avatar

Parker The aliens look like the internet's favourite thing (cats) so must be good, the humans are grumpy so must be bad, the macguffin mineral is called unobtanium because it's not very obtainable (or James Cameron wasn't bothered to change its name after the first draft); yeah, not one part of Avatar is subtle. Even the characters who initially seem interesting come straight out of €˜My First Screenplay€™. When we first meet Parker he proceeds to explain to Grace, someone who€™s been on Pandora for years, why the whole expedition is there. Like a character asking to hear something again at the start of a scene or a slow hero trying to catchup by summing up where we are in the plot, this is lazy writing that really bothers me because here it€™s so obvious. What pushes Selfridge (geddit, it sounds like selfish because it's what he is) over to just explaining the plot is how this leader of the RDA€™s Pandora branch is completely dropped from events afterwards. His only other significant scene comes around the midway point where he express an opinion on trees, but it's still reaffirming the general set up rather than adding anything new. The scene is so blunt the only way it could have been more annoying is if he had a T-Shirt on saying €˜I hate trees€™.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.