9 Anti-Climactic Movie Endings That Totally Blew Our Minds

5. Next (2007)

Another instance of filmmakers ruining the good work of one Philip K. Dick, Next is a relatively harmless if unremarkable sci-fi thriller for the majority of its runtime, before derailing that mediocrity with a climactic reveal that is in fact the very definition of anti-climatic. It appears that Cris (Nicholas Cage), who can see two minutes into the future, miscalculated his predictions, resulting in a nuclear bomb being detonated in Los Angeles, seemingly killing everyone within the city. It's a hell of a ballsy way to end a film, and for a brief second, our admiration for the film shoots up, amazed that they dared to end things this way. But they didn't. The timeline then reverts back to earlier in the film, and we realise that the latter half of Next has simply been Cris envisioning the knock-on effect of his actions. This in effect allows him to know how to stop the strike, and so he contacts the FBI, offering his services. It's supposed to be clever, but it just comes off as cheap and tacky; audiences, no matter who they are, don't like to be strung along for a ride like that.

Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.