9 Awesome Fan Theories About Avengers: Infinity War

2. There'll Be A Race For The Infinity Stones

When it comes to the time for the Infinity War, most people are expecting the Infinity Stones all to be slotted in one Infinity Gauntlet and in the capable and destructive hands of Thanos. Some fans think differently however. The revelation that there are two Infinity Gauntlets in the Marvel Cinematic Universe - Kevin Feige has confirmed this - has led to some fans theorising that there will actually be a race between the sides of good and evil to collect them. Imagine, if you will, that Thanos has one gauntlet and the Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy et al have another. Both sides could venture around the universe collecting the six stones and end up with three each, making for an epic battle of immense power. Of course, the likelihood will still be that Thanos will end up with all six of them at some point, but an Infinity Stones versus Infinity Stones battle would be insane before or after that occurred.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.