9 Biggest Star Wars 7: The Force Awakens Rumours

1. Han Gets A New Ride

The rumour: Badass Digest reports that Episode VII finds fan favourites Han Solo and Chewbacca still cruising the galaxy in a pimped out new ride: a Super Star Destroyer like the one Darth Vader piloted in The Empire Strikes Back. Likelihood: Extremely Unlikely Han€™s signature ride in A New Hope, The Millennium Falcon, became a character unto itself. Solo€™s sentimental attachment to the outdated jalopy that €˜made the kessel run in less than 12 parsecs€™ became a running joke throughout the trilogy. The Millennium Falcon also played a key part in the destruction of both Death Stars. Han€™s ship is a huge part of what made the character memorable. Star Wars fans are very curious to see if Han will be in the captain€™s seat of his iconic starship when Episode VII hits theatres. Set photos directly from Episode VII€™s production have confirmed that the Millennium Falcon will be returning in the new feature, which makes Han piloting a Super Star Destroyer seem a little far-fetched. Also, Super Star Destroyers are massive, greatly dwarfing regular Star Destroyers; it€™s a lot of machine for Han and Chewie to use to get from point A to B. This rumour comes across as nothing more than wishful thinking. There you have it. Sound off in the comment section and let us know what order you think the list should be in, or, if we were spot on.

I'm YA writer who loves pulp and art house films. I admire films that try to do something interesting.