9 Biggest Unanswered Mysteries In Star Wars
6. Does L3-37 Control The Millennium Falcon?
Solo: A Star Wars Story introduced fans (those who saw it anyway) to L3-37, a rebellious droid obsessed with liberating her fellow robots. Unfortunately, L3 was killed on a mission to Kessel. However, L3's story didn't end there, as Lando uploaded her consciousness into the Millennium Falcon in order to endow the ship with her superior navigation system.
This means that L3-37 was a part of the Millennium Falcon throughout Han Solo's entire time with the ship, which begs the question of how much control Han actually has over the Falcon. In the original trilogy, C-3PO comments on the Falcon's "peculiar dialect." Could he have been talking to the foul mouthed L3?
Additionally, Han Solo presents himself as the best pilot in the galaxy, but how much of that piloting is actually him? L3-37 could be controlling the ship, effectively flying it for him. We see characters other than Han, such as Lando, Rey, and Chewbacca, fly the ship just as well. Is L3 to thank for all of Han's successes, or does she just help him navigate the Falcon while he proves himself as a pilot time and time again?
Solo didn't reveal if Han's entire identity as a pilot was a lie or not, but it does beg the question of how much control L3 has over Han's iconic ship.