9 Biggest Unanswered Mysteries In Star Wars
4. What Lies In The Unknown Regions?
Given their name, it's no surprise that the Unknown Regions are one of the greatest mysteries in Star Wars.
This mostly unexplored region of the galaxy contains threats that even the Jedi don't know about. Though Star Wars has taken us to a few planets in the Unknown Regions, such as Luke's secluded hideout on Ahch-To, Ilum, where the lightsabers' famous Kyber crystals can be found, and Csilla, homeworld of the Chiss, most of the Unknown Regions remain, well, unknown.
Recently, the Thrawn novels introduced the Grysk, a species from the Unknown Regions known to enslave other beings by corrupting their desires, fears, memories, and hopes. They use their victims, known as client species, to cater to their every need, often fighting and dying for their Grysk masters. These creatures seem straight out of a horror movie with how terrifying they are.
As scary as the Grysk are, they might not even be the worst of what the Unknown Regions have to offer. What else could possibly lie deep within the unknown?