9 Bizarre Minor Movie Cameos Made By Massive Actors

1. Jason Statham As The Transporter In Collateral

Collateral Jason Statham
DreamWorks Pictures/Paramount Pictures

Trust Michael Mann (gedd... oh, wrong one) to cast The Stath in his first action movie since Heat, then only have him appear for a few seconds in the set-up before never being seen again.

Jason Statham's cameo in Collateral is actually pretty smart. On a simple level it serves as a nice wink to The Transporter series - decked out just like Frank Martin, he's surreptitiously delivering a briefcase to Tom Cruise's Vincent, as if on just another, less eventful than usual mission. It's an odd reference from a modern standpoint, with none of those movies getting anything close to great and having kinda dissipated from the cultural landscape, but in 2004 they were kinda relevant, so that's cool.

But, bigger than that, it also provides an essential backdrop to the whole movie. Collateral is primarily concerned with the interaction between Vincent and Jamie Foxx's taxi driver Max, but this cameo from an important figure highlights how big the world Cruise's character has come from really is and making stark contrast with where the movie heads; we're starting on this massive scale, before honing in on an intimate relationship that sees Vincent ultimately defeated.

What's your favourite, crazy movie cameo? Let us know down in the comments.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.