9 Canon Changes That Would Make Star Wars Instantly Better

5. Find A Way To Add Ahsoka Tano Into Episode III

Star Wars Revenge Of The Sith Padme

Now sure, it would have been absolutely impossible to chuck Anakin Skywalker's iconic padawan into the mayhem seen going down in Episode III: Revenge of the Sith back in 2005, mostly due to the fact Ahsoka Tano didn't debut until 2008 during The Clone Wars animated movie.

However, over the years, George Lucas hasn't exactly been afraid of adding a few figures into the background of his various Star Wars flicks.

So, would it really be that difficult to find a way to inject some much-needed Tano into the climax of the prequel trilogy, even for a blink-and-you'll-miss-it cameo as Order 66 begins to unfold?

The Clone Wars animated series does a superb job of filling in exactly what she was getting up to at the time of the final days of the war, with Tano helping to take down Maul on Mandalore after leaving the Order behind.

But the fact she's then not even mentioned on-screen during the fall of her master in that all-important Episode after being such a huge influence on Anakin's life in their days of fighting the Separatists, will always feel odd when rewatching that final prequel.

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