9 Deleted Scenes That Explain Confusing Movie Moments

4. Where's Miranda Tate? - The Dark Knight Rises

Warner Bros. Pictures

How did Bruce Wayne get back to Gotham? Who cares, the really serious plot hole in The Dark Knight Rises come later.

Look at the run of events. Bruce sneaks into Gotham and uses Selina Kyle to orchestrate his capture. He meets up with Lucius Fox and Miranda Tate, breaking the former out, gets his suit them heads off to save Gordon just before he goes for a chilly dip. And what's the first thing he says to Gordon when he finds him? "Where's Miranda Tate?"

Bruce, I know you're getting used to having visions of the Al Ghuls, but that's a pretty dumb question. Gordon doesn't know Wayne was captured, so it's not like Batman's just trying to cover his tracks (he's become pretty lazy regarding hiding his identity anyway); Bruce is genuinely just asking a question he already knows the answer to.

Christopher Nolan always tries for scripts with an air-tight, in-film logic, so this entire sequence has to have had an original form that made sense, but ended up chopped in the edit. My guess is a sub-plot with Tate was cut, but there were no takes of Fox being sprung not containing Marion Cotillard. Now if only Nolan released his deleted scenes...

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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.