9 Deleted Scenes That Explain Confusing Movie Moments

2. Bernard And Bernard - Watchmen

Warner Bros. Pictures/Paramount Pictures

Zack Snyder never seems too concerned with characters or the pesky emotional stakes that get in the way of other directors. This is best showcased in his moments of whole city destruction. Little more can be said about Man Of Steel's 'happy' ending no doubt killing half of Metropolis, but that isn't the teenager-in-a-grown-man's body first foray into destruction of this scale.

Watchmen's denouement has smartest man alive Adrian Veidt attack one or more major cities in an ultimately successful bid to trick global superpowers into ending the Cold War. The groundbreaking graphic novel has a genetically engineered alien teleported to New York, but Snyder went for the less laughable blue explosions of the super-powered Dr Manhattan. While the comics ending is a little sillier (although it doesn't come across that bad in print) it wins out thanks to some genuine emotional stakes.

Throughout the book all the retired-super action has been punctuated with little exchanges between a newspaper stall vendor and his serial freeloader (whose book of choice, Tales Of The Black Freighter, has a cartoon adaptation on some copies of the DVD). It's with these characters (both named Bernard) that we experience the destruction of New York. The film has the character's cameo, only instead of an emotional death it just leads to confusion; "who are these people?" asks everyone who's never read the book.

However, a series of deleted scenes did give the characters their moment, which makes their death (and New York's destruction) feel more relatable in the Ultimate Cut (where they're included).

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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.