9 Deleted Scenes That Totally Change How You View Famous Characters

4. The Engineer Speaks To Weyland - Prometheus

Engineer Speaks To Weyland

The Deleted Scene: The scene where the crew of Prometheus finally confront their creator is cut incredibly short in the movie when the space jockey starts using Michael Fassbender's head as a club, but as originally shot it runs much longer. David and the Engineer have a proper exchange and, in the ensuing cross-species discussion, it's revealed the team don't really care about why humanity was created (despite Shaw's pleas) and are instead trying to find a way to live forever. It still doesn't end well, of course.

How It Changes The Character: That scene makes the Engineer, who has a pretty ambiguous motives beyond hating humans, a little more understandable - his creations view themselves as his equal - but the person this really sheds light on is Weyland.

In the film proper he's unnecessarily confusing. Revealed to be on the ship in something of a twist, he just hobbles about for a bit before getting killed, a narrative decision made all the more strange by him being Guy Pearce in heavy makeup (something that seems to have only been done to allow for some admittedly nifty promo videos).

With this extended death scene, however, the CEO's motives are laid bare - he views himself as a God and is desperate for immortality, a God's right. Now there's something to be said for the film leaving some things for the audience to work out themselves, but this is so essential to the film's themes it's ridiculous it was cut.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.