9 Directors Who Admitted Their Movies Have Plot-Holes

2. Steven Spielberg - Indiana Jones & The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull

Indiana Jones Fridge

The Plot Hole: How the hell did Indiana Jones (Harrison Ford) survive an atomic bomb blast inside a fridge? Lead lined or not, you don't need a PhD in theoretical physics to know you'd be incinerated regardless.

In recent years, director Steven Spielberg has confronted the immense controversy surrounding the gigantic logical leap. He said, "I know in Indy 4, you didn’t buy the refrigerator and the atomic bomb…I know! I know! But we tried! We tried! I was pushing the envelope! By the way, I take full responsibility for that - that was completely my idea! Even Harrison said to me, ‘Nobody is going to buy this!'"

Spielberg fully cops to the scene making no sense, but hilariously, George Lucas went on to accept the blame for it himself, declaring, "[Spielberg's] trying to protect me", and even adding that it was Spielberg who "didn't believe" the scene. Lucas reportedly responded by giving the director a six-inch-thick file based on spurious scientific data which suggested Indy could maybe, just maybe survive.

Spielberg knew it was bulls*** all along, but does this make the end result better or worse?


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.