9 Disturbing Origin Stories Behind Famous Disney Characters

7. The Frog Prince Doesn't Get A Kiss, He Gets A Wall

The concept of The Frog Prince is a pretty simple and straightforward one: a prince is turned into a frog by a spiteful fairy. In order to change back into his human form, he must be kissed by a princess. Boom. No big deal. With the exception of some possible lip warts, there's not a whole lot of meat to this story. And yet, that doesn't stop it from being a grisly affair in the hands of The Brothers Grimm. In their original tellings, The Frog Prince doesn't have his spell broken by an understanding (if cautious) princess with an affinity for tolerating talking frogs. In theirs, the spell is only broken when the princess hurls the frog against a goddamn wall out of disgust. That's honestly the story. Rather than romanticize the prince side of the spell, they put the focus on the whole tailless amphibian aspect. And which is a more reasonable reaction from a spoiled princess? Kissing its glandular secretions, or chucking it against a wall? Then again, other variations of this story specify that the princess must chop the frog's head off or burn its skin. Boy, sometimes it feels like Disney just likes to suck all the fun out of a good origin story, doesn't it?
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Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.