9 Dumbest Things In Star Wars Original Trilogy

8. Luke Forgets To Use The Force

Star Wars Return Of The Jedi Boba Fett

Luke Skywalker can very much be seen using the Force throughout the original trilogy, and shows off how strong he is with it a few times during Episode VI - Return of the Jedi in particular.

You have that time he unleashed a super powerful and clearly intentional "Force kick", and also the moment he Force pulled a blaster within Jabba's palace.

However, Luke's willingness to use the Force here makes his decision not to at other points feel a little silly in retrospect.

Take the moment Skywalker finds himself up against the Rancor after that aforementioned blaster moment. Instead of using the Force to launch a rock at the gate that would eventually kill the beast, Luke decides to pick it up and chuck it like any non-Force-sensitive person would.

Levitating rocks is literally Jedi 101, right?

Then he's seemingly unable to Force pull his own lightsaber to his hands after the gang is caught in an Ewok trap, despite regularly being shown doing exactly that in the trilogy. 

Hanging upside down after being attacked by a Wampa? Lightsaber pulling is a piece of cake, even with less training at that point.

In a mildly uncomfortable position within a net? Lightsaber pulling is seemingly impossible. How silly.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...