9 Most Evil Film Directors

4. Jorg Buttgereit

06.02.2013nekromantik The Evil Teutonic genius of transgressive cinema, Jorg Buttgereit's films have been simultaneously grossing out and depressing the s**t out of viewers since the 1980s. The first director ever to tackle on screen graphic sexual satisfaction from necrophilia (or Corpse F**king Art as Buttgereit calls it himself), the world at large was delighted to receive NEKRomantik and NEKRomantik 2 in which the living loved the dead to the backdrop of soft lighting and nice piano music. Both films contained strong violence and gore and only the very intrepid viewer seeks out these films (they are virtually impossible to get a hold of unless you want to part with silly money). Buttgereit spread joy to the world with his meditation on the theme of suicide - Der Todesking. Again full of graphic violence and people doing themselves in, it was a particularly grim and depressing little film. Highly artistic and inventive, plus it is insightful and intelligent, nevertheless, this is one for hardcore fans of doom and gloom and is likely to gross the casual viewer out. His film Schramm, about a serial killer called Lothar who likes his collection of plastic, blow up dolls, gets inside the killer's head so we see how and why he perpetrates very nasty and gory deeds. Again, it is an evil little film which is for fans of Buttgereit only. Jorg Buttgereit is an evil director because he exploits themes of forbidden subjects - like necrophilia and suicide - and executes them in the nastiest of ways. This may make us think, but the disturbing images and content of his films lingers long in the mind after you watch them.

My first film watched was Carrie aged 2 on my dad's knee. Educated at The University of St Andrews and Trinity College Dublin. Fan of Arthouse, Exploitation, Horror, Euro Trash, Giallo, New French Extremism. Weaned at the bosom of a Russ Meyer starlet. The bleaker, artier or sleazier the better!