9 Most Evil Film Directors

2. Jose Mojica Marins

Jdojdopdjopjdopjdopj José Mojica Marins is probably best known to you as Coffin Joe - a persona Marins assumed for his movies. Marins is a Brazilian director who put into motion some of the most depraved and inventive horror films ever made such as At Midnight I'll Take Your Soul and This Night I'll Possess Your Corpse. I love old Coffin Joe, he is a fantastic but very evil creation of Marins. He is egotistical, thinks he is above the law, despises religion and superstition, acts in a totally amoral fashion and brutalises women. With his cape and trademark top hat, he is a sinister sight to behold. For Coffin Joe, superstition and religion stunt individual personal growth. He can't abide people who do not share this belief, accusing them of low intelligence. Coffin Joe has a singular mission. He is obsessed with bloodlines and he wants to find the perfect woman to bear his child - she has to have a very high intellect and he will ride rough shod over anyone who stands in his way. Coffin Joe tortures and terrorises women in his grasp. In his pursuit of Terezhina in At Midnight I'll Take Your Soul, he kills her love interest and then rapes and beats Terezhina. In This Night I'll Possess Your Corpse, Coffin Joe takes six women and tortures them in a pit, throwing poisonous snakes at them. He has a remarkably filmed vision of hell in which he sees himself as Satan. Coffin Joe/Mojica Marins is a huge star in his native Brazil. He deserves much more recognition from fans outside of Brazil. His films are unlike anything else you will ever watch and Coffin Joe is such an amoral, murderous, and downright evil man, José Mojica Marins deserves to be called an evil director for making such malignant tales of brutality against women.

My first film watched was Carrie aged 2 on my dad's knee. Educated at The University of St Andrews and Trinity College Dublin. Fan of Arthouse, Exploitation, Horror, Euro Trash, Giallo, New French Extremism. Weaned at the bosom of a Russ Meyer starlet. The bleaker, artier or sleazier the better!