9 Famous Actors In Real Danger Of Becoming Irrelevant

1. Gerard Butler

Nic Cage Arsenal
Warner Bros.

Thanks to his gruffly charismatic (and very shouty) performance in 300, it seemed like there was a new Hollywood action hero on the block in the form of Gerard Butler. Yet in the decade since, Butler's career has been peppered with a lot more misses than hits. Thank f**k he has the How to Train Your Dragon and *Insert Location Here* Has Fallen franchises to fall back on then, because an unwanted reputation as box office poison is seemingly always just around the corner.

Apart from Shakespearean adaptation Coriolanus in 2011, the Scottish actor hasn't seen one of his live-action movies score a Fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes since... well, since 300. This unwanted track record spans a whopping eighteen movies and features countless box office bombs including Gods of Egypt and Geostorm, two of the most horribly misguided studio blockbusters in recent memory.

Let's face it, the guy needs a new agent to improve his fortunes. With such a poor track record, its impressive enough that Butler keeps finding such high-profile work in the first place. Something needs to stop the rot soon, or he could end up vanishing from the big screen entirely and take his place in the straight-to-video realm forever.

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