9 Famous Actors With Incredibly Embarrassing Film Debuts

7. Arnold Schwarzenegger - Hercules In New York

Trimark Pictures
Trimark Pictures

The Movie: In the lowest of low-budget fantasy movies, Hercules in New York qualifies as one of the most unintentionally hilarious films of Schwarzenegger's career. (And this is the same Arnold who appeared in The Running Man.)

Fresh off his Mr. Universe title, he plays the son of Zeus, who ventures down to Earth after he gets bored living amongst all the gods in Olympus. Everything after that is your classic "fish out of water" story, but this time the fish is a gigantic demi-god, and the water is New York in the '70s.

The Role: There have been no fewer than 100 portrayals of this legendary character from Greek mythology, but Arnold's is far and away the most ludicrous. It's just one dumb gag after another, with Hercules failing to grasp literally any concept whatsoever.

Over the course of the movie, he strips half-naked on the street, engages in a chase between a chariot and an actual car, flies alongside an airplane window while creepily peering in on an old lady, awkwardly fights off dozens of bad guys with an oversized plank, and fistfights the most laughably unrealistic black bear you'll ever see.


Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.