9 Famous Comedians Who Were Brutally Unfunny In Movies

2. Dane Cook

If there was ever a modern-day, stand-up equivalent of Beatlemania, then Dane Cook would be the Paul McCartney of comedy by default. The guy was able to fill arenas several times over with his loud, bombastic, dork-turned-fray boy routine. But when it came to delivering that same style of cocky, manic energy in movies, the volume knob seemed to be stuck at 3. The thing about Cook, love him or hate him, is that his goofy mannerisms and outrageous one-liners were his act. There wasn't a whole lot more ticking under the surface, yet directors seemed to think that chopping away at his crazy exterior would yield better results than simply letting him do his thing. But even a cursory viewing of Employee of the Month showed exactly why that version of Cook would never work on the big screen. The energy appears to have been zapped right out of him. Then again, even when he was allowed a better showcase for his style, as was the case with his sex-crazed goofball in Good Luck Chuck, it felt too disingenuous. It's almost like...well it's almost like Dane Cook wasn't a trained and/or capable actor! And the less said about his early attempts at movie stardom the better. But just imagine, for a moment, an action comedy starring Dane Cook and Dennis Rodman. That exists, and it's called Simon Sez. Don't look it up.
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Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.