9 Famous Movie Facts (That Were Never Actually True)

5. A Munchkin Actor Committed Suicide While Filming The Wizard Of Oz


A common myth surrounding pioneering movie The Wizard Of Oz is that a depressed actor portraying one of the munchkins took his own life on set. Furthermore, it's often claimed that you can see the actor after he hanged himself in the final film, in the background of the shot above.

Okay, so this one isn't generally regarded as a movie 'fact,' but it's still something that's regularly brought up as a piece of movie trivia. No such thing ever happened while filming The Wizard Of Oz, and a hanging was certainly never accidentally included in a shot. During the scene in question, no munchkin actors had even arrived on set, and detailed scans reveal the shape to be a large bird spreading its wings.


Tom Butler hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.