9 Film Characters Who Randomly Disappear With No Explanation

5. John Anderton's Son - Minority Report

minority report
DreamWorks Pictures

When it comes to characters who randomly disappear with no explanation, few are more narratively offensive than John Anderton's son in 2002's Minority Report. It's established at the beginning that Anderton's son Sean has mysteriously disappeared, fuelling his separation from his wife Lara and contributing to his heavy drug use.

Throughout the futuristic PreCrime plot, viewers are expecting there to be some sort of revelation or resolution regarding Sean... but the answer never comes. He literally vanishes without a trace, leaving behind a glaring, significant gap in the narrative. It's believed that there was a cut scene from the film that clears this up.

After Anderton is haloed, he's supposed to see and communicate with Sean, who explains that he was kidnapped by a man pretending to be his father. The man travelled the world with him for a year before getting bored and killing him. During this scene, Anderton is able to make peace with his son's disappearance.

Wow - that would have added a real weight to the events at had, as well as being a nice bit of context for viewers, too. Why on earth was it left out?


Commonly found reading, sitting firmly in a seat at the cinema (bottle of water and a Freddo bar, please) or listening to the Mountain Goats.