9 Films "Based On True Stories" That Missed Out The Best Part

7. Luttrell Had To Crawl For Miles After The Ambush - Lone Survivor

Lone Survivor had one of the most spoilerific advertising campaigns in recent memory; that title and a poster featuring nothing buy Mark Wahlberg's face pretty much gives away what's going to happen come the end. The film has plenty of action and character moments to make the intermediate events interesting, although at points it does feel at points it's almost too Hollywood an idea. If you felt that then you're onto something. Much of the film is accurate to our understanding of the experiences of Marcus Luttrell, a Navy SEAL ambushed in Afghanistan, but certain bits for some reason are enhanced. After the ambush that kicks the action into full gear Luttrell found himself unable to walk, having to crawl for miles (Wahlberg has a spring in his step), while the film's finale was in fact a much less bombastic attack. It's the usual Hollywood pomp to make things feel more action heavy, but we can't help but feel things would have been tenser if it'd stuck closer to the truth. The true story on which the film is based already has some strong elements of contention; the real Marcus Luttrell increased the number of Taliban he went up against from twenty to two-hundred between initial reports and publishing his account of events, so twisting events isn't anything new.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.