9 Films That Completely Ignored Their Source (And Sucked Because Of It)

5. The Star Wars Prequels Ignore What Previous Information There Was

Not based off a book or comic (although the saga has its fair share of both) the Star Wars prequels are primarily based off a few select lines of dialogue from Yoda and Obi-Wan in the original trilogy (or, if you€™re stone cold cynic, George Lucas€™ declining bank balance). We already knew much of what was said about the old days was incredibly subjective after the awesome, if completely illogical, twist of Vader€™s identity, but following the prequels vast swathes of A New Hope (any edition) are needlessly confusing. Yoda training Obi-Wan, Obi-Wan wanting to train Anakin, Leia remembering her mother, Uncle Owen€™s dislike of Ben; all plot points that make next to no sense given the account of events we got in the prequels. If you look at George Lucas€™ creative process €“ the building around concept art witnessed in the prequel behind-the-scenes and massive digressions from original concepts seen in The Making Of... coffee table books €“ it€™s likely these were at one point or another intended to form a part of the story, but fell away as time passed by. It really got pushed to extremes by the end-tying Revenge Of The Sith though. The shot of Obi-Wan picking up Anakin€™s dropped lightsaber was added in reshoots €“ Lucas had forgotten completely that it was meant to make it through to the next film.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.