Director: John Huston Cast: Sean Connery, Michael Caine & Christopher Plummer Plot: This adaptation of the famous short story by Rudyard Kipling tells the story of Daniel Dravot and Peachy Carnahan (Sean Connery & Michael Caine), two ex-soldiers in 19th Century India. Having decided that India is just too small for them, these incorrigible rogues head off to fictional country Kafiristan in order to loot the place but end up becoming kings in their own right...then it all goes wrong. Big time. Reason(s) To Watch Before You Die: John Hustons sweeping story has it all; action, adventure, drama, comedy and a pair of brilliant performances from Sean Connery and Michael Caine. It is also a refreshingly non-pc story that, despite not being as well-known as some other films the actors involved have made, has stood the test of time better than most. If you havent seen this film before you now have the perfect film to watch on a rainy Sunday and if you have seen it beforethen hats on! Much like Woolworths or Pan Am, they just dont make them like this anymore.