9 Found Footage Movies You Should Die Before You See

1. The Asylum Tapes

When asked what she was most looking forward to in retirement, Pauline Kael replied, €œNo more Oliver Stone movies.€ If the late New Yorker critic had a beef with Platoon and Wall Street, you can imagine her displeasure at The Asylum Tapes (aka Greystone Park), whose sole novelty is that it marks the directorial debut of Stone€™s son Sean. It€™s also the first €˜found footage€™ movie to feature an Oscar winner in a cameo. Two-time Best Director Oliver appears early on (as €œOliver€) to share ghost stories, but he makes zero attempt to prevent Sean (as €œSean€) and his film crew from going to The Haunted Asylum after midnight. €œLegend has it that anyone who goes inside will go mad,€ cautions a friend, so now the viewer knows they have to go there. Then they€™ll wander down dark corridors, swing the camera around as things go bump, shout €œWhat the hell was that?€ etc. etc. The price we pay for The Blair Witch Project keeps getting higher.

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Ian Watson is the author of 'Midnight Movie Madness', a 600+ page guide to "bad" movies from 'Reefer Madness' to 'Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.'