9 Found Footage Movies You Should Die Before You See

4. A Haunted House 2

Few genres are as soul-suckingly awful as horror comedies gone wrong, and this would-be parody of Paranormal Activity, The Conjuring, Sinister et al brought to mind another laboured effort that prompted one critic€™s shortest-ever TV review: €œTransylvania 6-5000 stank. I€™m Leonard Maltin, Entertainment Tonight.€ 2013€™s A Haunted House cost $2.5 million and made $60 million worldwide, so despite a barrage of negative reviews (Austin Chronicle said it was €œlike watching a snuff film, only it€™s the audience that€™s dying inside.€), economic sense dictated that co-writer/star Marlon Wayans would sooner or later return to the well. To his credit, Wayans tones down the homophobic humour this time around, but makes up for it with a streak of animal cruelty gags and, for good measure, throws in a running joke about having sex with the doll from Annabelle. Future generations will gaze upon the movie and pity their ancestors.
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Ian Watson is the author of 'Midnight Movie Madness', a 600+ page guide to "bad" movies from 'Reefer Madness' to 'Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.'