9 Frozen Life Lessons That Will Completely Change Your Life

7. We Finish Each Other€™s... Sandwiches

Joey Food Gif Let€™s face it. If someone lets you €“ of their own free will €“ finish their food, you should probably marry them without a second thought. There are after all plenty people out there like Joey who simply just don€™t share their food. And that€™s entirely understandable, if a little disappointing. But until you're offered, make sure you keep your hands and your eyes on your own plate otherwise you can definitely expect to find a strategically places fork embedded in the back of your hand. Because that's just rude. In short, the charitable sharing of sustenance should be counted as a pretty big endorsement of what you mean to them, but maybe still think about it before you start trying to marry people giving away free samples in Costco.
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Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com