9 Guardians Of The Galaxy Deleted Scenes You Need To See

7. Garthan Saal & Rhomann Dey Argue

In the scene when Star-Lord, Rocket, Groot and Gamora were in the custody of the Nova Corps, Denarian Saal tells Corpsman Rhomann Dey to have the quartet transferred to the Kyln - an interstellar prison for dangerous criminals. Dey has a uniform malfunction as one of the lights on his breastplate goes out and the pair humorously try to make it come back on, before Dey suggests that sending them to the Kyln might be a bad idea as it's too barbaric a place. Saal responds that he is aware of Dey's concerns but stresses that the local cells wouldn't be enough to hold them and so they go through with sending them to the Kyln. The scene can be seen in the video below and in the montage video at the end of the article. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bnAsnquM3o0

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.