9 Harry Potter Plot Holes That Actually Have Simple Fixes

6. There Are Only Three Unforgivable Curses, But There Are Lots Of Terrible Spells - The Whole Franchise

Harry Potter Prisoner of Azkaban
Warner Bros.

Plot Hole: In the muggle world the law prohibits many unforgivable things (it also prohibits some other smaller things but that's neither here nor there). In contrast the wizarding world seems really lapse! There are three unforgivable curses in the wizard world: the Cruciatus Curse that causes unbearable pain, the Imperius Curse that forces the will of someone else, and the Killing Curse (which needs no explanation).

But the thing is, there are so many terrible spells, charms and curses. There is the Obliviate spell, that wipes or changes someone's memory. Or Legilimens, that allows you to read someone's mind. So why are these forms of magic deemed forgivable?

Answer: The three unforgivable curses are all things that cannot be taken back. You cannot resurrect the dead, you cannot un-cause horrific pain and you cannot take back the actions of someone who's will has been forced.

All the other bad spells or potions have reversals. You can give someone back their memory, and you can take the memories that have been seen by someone who has performed Legilimens. There are also antidotes to all potions and counter curses to well, curses.

You may be thinking that you can wipe the memory of someone who has had The Cruciatus Curse performed on them, but if you think about the long term effects it can have on a person, like the Longbottoms, you can see the damage it causes is irreversible.

Let's just hope that like modern medicine, there will be improvements in the magical community and one day someone will create a counter curse to all three of the unforgivable curses. And by someone, we all know it's Hermione.

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Lily thought it was about time she wrote Top Ten lists for people other than herself. She also owes her dog a lot of money so she thought it was about time to pay her dues. There is no tv show she likes that she hasn't seen at least twice.