9 Horrifying Questions About Toy Story That Should Really Bother You

3. Do Toys Have Pre-Set Memories, Ages And Personalities?

Toy Story Woody Jessie
Disney Pixar

When Buzz first comes out of his packaging, he believes he is the real Buzz, and clearly has memories about a previous life where he was a space ranger. He knows about Star Command, and likely many other events and characters in his rich past. However, we know that he was assembled on an assembly line and never actually lived this life. So does this mean that his memories were implanted in him? Does he remember growing up, and having a family, and that’s just a lie?

Toys’ ages also seem to be pre-determined. Big Baby in Toy Story 3 is always a baby, even though he’s actually several years old, while Buzz comes out of the packaging as a fully-formed adult. Big Baby can’t talk in complete sentences and everyone treats him like a child, even though he may have actually been alive longer than his friends.

It seems to make sense, because he looks and acts like a baby, but inside of that body is a much older toy who can’t properly communicate with his peers and is treated like a child even though he is not one.

Are their personalities also predetermined? Do Woody and Buzz act the way they are because of their life experiences, or is it all pre-programmed into them? 


Systems Engineer by day. Writer of movie articles by night.