9 Horrifying Questions About Toy Story That Should Really Bother You

1. Why Does Buzz Pretend To Be A Toy For Andy If He Thinks He's Real?

Toy Story Woody Jessie

This is a question you’ve probably heard before, but I’ve personally never heard a satisfactory answer, so I’ll reinstate it here. In the first Toy Story, Buzz thinks he’s the real Buzz Lightyear of Star Command, and has no idea that he’s actually a toy that is owned by a human. Yet, throughout that movie, whenever Andy walks into the room, Buzz, like every other toy goes limp and pretends he’s a toy. But if he doesn’t know he’s a toy, why does he pretend to be a toy when the humans walk in?

Some people have suggested that it is a physical reaction that every toy has, that it cannot move once a human is in its presence. However, there is no other proof for this in the movies, and there is actually contradicting evidence, from when Woody comes alives in Sid’s presence to scare him. Clearly, toys can be alive in a human’s presence if they choose to do so.

Some people have suggested that Buzz sees the giant human as a threat, so he pretends to be dead in order to throw it off. However, this completely goes against Buzz’s personality. The Buzz we know would try to fight off the giant human, using his adorable light-up laser. Or he would at least try to run away if he saw a threat. He wouldn’t just give up, and certainly wouldn’t pretend to be dead. 

What do you think? Do you have any answers to my questions? Am I analyzing these movies too much? Are an army of humans being mind-controlled by Mr. Potato Head going to take over the world? Let me know in the comments.


Systems Engineer by day. Writer of movie articles by night.