9 Insane Ways Oscar Winners Trained For Movie Blockbusters

2. J.K. Simmons Got Ripped To Play Jim Gordon (Justice League)

Jk Simmons Justice League
Warner Bros.

Social media exploded in mid-2016 when 61-year-old J.K. Simmons posted a picture of himself to social media, showing off an absolutely ripped physique beyond anything anyone could've expected.

Working with The Rock's personal trainer Aaron Williamson, Simmons ensured he was by far the most jacked Jim Gordon the world had ever seen...even though all that hard work was ultimately kept under wraps in the final movie, keeping consistent with his typically suited-up character.

Simmons did however confirm that he had an ulterior motive for getting swole. He said, "After the second and final time that I got hugely fat in my life and when I lost that weight six or seven years ago, I pretty much decided that I was going to stay in decent shape for the rest of my life."

Good going, J.K.

Was It Worth It?: For the movie? Absolutely not. He's in Justice League for mere minutes and the role would play absolutely the same even if he had a sagging gut. But for him personally? Sure, he looks great.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.