9 Insulting Ways Characters Were Killed Off Between Horror Movies
Horror movies that insulting killed characters offscreen! Halloween, Final Destination & more.

Horror movies and iconic kills go hand in hand. Whether it’s because they’re imaginative, brutal or even hilarious at times, they’re often some of the things people remember the most.
Similarly, characters in horror movies can make or break a film – and so kills and characters often come together brilliantly to create some of the most memorable moments in horror history.
Glen in A Nightmare on Elm Street, most of the poor sods in the Saw franchise, the iconic shower scene in Psycho and many other murderous memories help to carve out the legacy of a horror film.
So what happens when you take that away? Key characters, however likeable or not they may be, have often suffered the cruel hand of fate in horror, but is it arguably worse to not even have your death splattered across the big screen?
Some of the following deaths would have been incredible to actually see, whereas some excuses for the demise of a character are so poor or mundane it’s insulting to the characters themselves
Prepare to roll your eyes at some serious tomfoolery.
9. Brahms' Fate Is Retconned - The Boy 2

The Boy (2016) was seen to be a run-of-the-mill haunted doll horror flick, but the surprise twist at the end of the film made it far more memorable and interesting.
Rather than the naughty soul of the supposedly deceased Brahms Heelshire being the cause of all the supernatural shenanigans, Brahms himself was actually teased to be alive, kicking and pretty damn evil.
Given the success of the first film, a sequel was quickly put into production and released in 2020. It was not good. The ending of the first film showed Brahms to still be alive, but the sequel completely retconned this and placed the spooky doll first and foremost. The question arose: what happened to Brahms the bloke?
The reason this is insulting is that it’s never explained. Is Brahms actually dead? Does his soul now actually haunt the problematic porcelain person? Who cares?! The movie certainly doesn’t!
It’s hinted Brahms died from his injuries, but we would at least liked to have seen a glimpse of this! Plus, this is a pretty lame way for a villain to kick the bucket.
Then there’s the claim in the film that the doll causes its’ victims to become insane which is not only a very stale trope, but one that again we don’t actually see happen to Brahms either in the first film or this disappointing follow-up.
It’s a real shame that such a unique premise was eschewed in this careless way, with audiences feeling confused and frustrated that none of the first film really carried into the sequel.