9 Last-Minute Changes That Ruined Movies

2. Scream 2 - Enforced Script Rewrites

I Am Legend
Dimension Films

The original Scream was a solid horror movie that both parodied and revived the slasher genre. Wes Craven returned for the sequel and attempted to provide more of the same, but it was nowhere near as tight as its predecessor.

There's a good reason why Scream 2's storytelling is disjointed and its character development stunted, and it's all to do with changes that were enforced on the creative team after filming had begun. The movie's script had leaked onto the Internet, giving away the ending, so Craven was forced to rework large segments of the film.

Often the creative team was working on one scene without knowing what was coming next. Screenwriter Kevin Williamson continued to work on the rewrites right until the end of filming, even changing the identity of the killers from the original draft.

Many years later Williamson, claimed that the version of the script that had been leaked was a 'dummy draft' never intended to be shot, but the cripplingly tight production schedule and volume of reshoots suggest it did contain some spoliers.

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