9 Marvel Characters Who Will Die Before The End Of Phase 3

1. Peter Parker

OK, so Marvel aren't actually going to completely write off the hero they only just acquired from Sony (although that would be a great way to middle finger the studio and get back the rights in their entirety), but, judging by how they're going about bringing the character to life, the MCU is likely to off his most famous incarnation. The recent reports that Marvel are looking for a black actor to play Spidey imply they're going with the Miles Morales under the mask (it could just be a race-swapped Peter Parker, but with Miles right there that's rather pointless). Now, Morales' origin story, detailed in the Ultimate comics line, is pretty similar to Parker's (high schooler bit by radioactive spider), only with one reality-bending difference; the spider was genetically engineered to recreate Spider-Man after the hero's death. That's right - for Miles Morales to exist, Peter Parker has to die. The reveal on the Age Of Ultron poster that Danny Elfman is providing "Additional Music" for the film has sparked theories that Tobey Maguire's version is coming back into the fold, retroactively making Raimi's trilogy part of the MCU, which only furthers this school of thought - you can't have a forty year-old Spidey swinging about. Whether that exact prediction proves to be true or not, however, doesn't really affect the outcome - no matter who's behind the mask when Spidey debuts, their screentime will be limited. When Will He Die: Popular opinion is that Captain America: Civil War will follow the comics in revealing Parker as Spider-Man, before taking a massive divergence and killing him off, paving the way for Miles to debut in Sony's own movie. Anything less will be a disappointment. Are you expected any other heroes to bite the dust in the coming years? And could any of these survive? Have your say down in the comments.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.