9 More Films "Based On True Stories" That Missed Out The Best Part

5. Amon Goeth Was Too Evil For The Nazis - Schindler's List

I Pardon You Amon Goeth Ralph Fiennes

Watching Ralph Fiennes' stunning performance as Nazi camp commandant Amon Goeth is an ordeal in itself: he's a monstrous, terrifying figure who rules his camp with a devastating iron fist, sadism and a callous disregard for humanity. He's seen killing Jewish prisoners without a second thought, sniping a couple from his balcony and killing a boy for cleaning his house poorly.

But Goeth was actually worse in real life than his depiction in the film. He was a sadist of untold capacity, notoriously torturing and killing daily and murdering 50 Jews on Yom Kippur in 1943. He reportedly also set his dogs on prisoners, watching them eaten alive.

The key missing point about him in the film expresses just how unthinkably evil he was. Though he claimed during his trial that he was only carrying out orders, Goeth was no longer in charge at Płaszów when he was arrested. He has been relieved of his position in 1944 for mistreatment of prisoners (among other crimes), which the film ignored despite how much more it sold him as a villain of such unthinkable magnitude.


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