9 More Horror Movie Wishes That Went Horribly Wrong

4. The Shining: Wishing To Stay In The Overlook Forever

Colour Out Of Space
Warner Bros.

There really isn’t more that I can say about this incredible film that hasn’t been said already.

Legendary, horrifying, mystifying and just a damn good movie, The Shining has been discussed to the ends of the Earth and back again, but there is a little something within the film that makes it slot very nicely into this list.

After being confronted by the equally iconic and terrifying Grady twins, Danny Torrance goes to have a little natter with his Pa, Jack Torrance. Jack doesn’t seem to be all there however, as he tells his son about how much he loves the Overlook hotel and that he wishes they could stay there forever and ever.

At various points in the movie, it’s hinted at that this is exactly what happens to Jack. One instance of this is when he meets Delbert Grady ( the father of the Grady twins), who informs Jack that he has in fact always been the caretaker.

This mystery is only deepened at the end of the film, where the final shot is a photo from 1921 with guests and presumably staff members of the Overlook having a right old shindig. But Jack Torrance is standing smack dab in the centre of the photo, a maniacal grin on his face.

Was he always the caretaker after all, or did his wish simply come true – eternally woven into the fabric of the hotel?


Tilly Owen hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.