9 More Movie “Mistakes” That Were Totally Intentional

2. The Moving Lift - Men In Black II

Men In Black II Lift
Columbia Pictures

After "rescuing" K from the post office, J brings him back to Men In Black headquarters to give us an inversion of the first movie's sequence where J himself sees the unreal sight of the alien-filled HQ. For full effect, the elevator they get out of disembarks at a raised platform above the room for a useful vantage point.

But then, later on, when J and K head back to the HQ to take on Lara Flynn Boyle's villain, Serleena, the lift drops them off at ground-level. It looks pretty sloppy but it serves a purpose.

They're greeted by a trashcan robot fitted with heavy artillery that shoots the elevator up, which wouldn't have been possible had it dropped them off at the original elevated spot.

Men In Black II Elevator
Columbia Pictures

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