9 Most Brutal Acts Of Revenge In Star Wars
Even in a galaxy far, far away, revenge is a dish best served clinically cold.

Star Wars is the greatest franchise in science fiction history - yep, I said it - with the George Lucas-created property having connected with generation after generation after generation since first making its way to the silver screen back in 1977.
Even if it may at times split opinion, the spectacle and awe of visiting a galaxy far, far away rarely gets old, and so many of us have so many brilliant memories attached to this most iconic of franchises.
In its tale of Heroes vs. Villains, of Jedi vs. Sith, the Star Wars series is one brimming with so many elements of what we see in our everyday life - just with a sheen of spaced-laced grandeur to proceedings. And one such element seen across this IP, is the concept of revenge.
When taking a glance at the overarching Star Wars movie franchise, there are so many people who have been wronged. For some, revenge is never an option - like the poor sap's forever walking on eggshells when in Darth Vader's presence - but others are a little more fortunate when it comes to exacting some payback on those who have wronged them.
Whether it's well-deserved or more an act of pettiness, then, here are the most brutal acts of revenge that Star Wars has had to offer.
9. Vader Strikes Obi-Wan Down - A New Hope

For those who watched the original Star Wars trilogy before any prequel or sequel offerings came to be, the death of Obi-Wan Kenobi had a slightly different context to it in comparison to how we look at that death nowadays.
Back then, Kenobi and Darth Vader were old rivals who became entwined in one final battle to the death - a battle to the death in which Vader was the victor.
It was still an emotional moment to see Obi-Wan struck down in George Lucas' 1977 picture, but later years saw that demise have several new layers added to it. More specifically, the death of old Ben was, at least in part, something driven by revenge.
That revenge would be for Vader viewing his former Master as having unjustly left him to die a fiery death on Mustafar in Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. On Mustafar, we saw how Anakin felt that Kenobi had betrayed him, and that sense of betrayal was finally done justice - at least from Anakin's slightly skewed perspective - when Darth Vader got to turn his brother-turned-rival into a Force Ghost.