9 Most Essential "What If Superheroes Were Real?" Movies

7. Chronicle (2012)

Chronicle Josh Trank's high school take on the superhero mythos isn't bound by the laws of our own universe, exactly, given that the characters in the movie gain legitimate superpowers, but the question - "what if superheroes were real?" - is still what this handheld camera-based movie sets out to answer. Chronicle is very much set in our own world in the sense that there are no supervillains or large scale catastrophes to solve, though, which allows the movie to play around with what happens when a bunch of teenagers are imbued with superpowers. Like many of us, our heroes - who go into a strange hole and step out to find they have psychic abilities and (eventually) the power of flight - start out using their new-found talents in highly productive ways: peeking up girls' skirts and scaring innocent people. Eventually, however, Chronicle falls in line with a mantra made famous by the Spider-Man franchise: with great power, comes great responsibility. No kidding: as one teen becomes more and more powerful, he begins to abuse his powers, forcing the others into a violent confrontation.

All-round pop culture obsessive.