9 Most Insane Film Stunts You Won't Believe Actors Performed

7. Daniel Craig - Casino Royale

What better way for a new James Bond to assert himself than by doing his own stunts in the first five minutes of the movie? The exhilarating foot-chase that opens Casino Royale - the first in the entire franchise, believe it or not - is awesome even before Daniel Craig and his prey begin scaling a a 40 ft crane, thanks to the parkour skills brought to the table by Sebastien Foucan. As soon as they're on top of that thing though, damn. Sebastien leaps first, doing his crazy French ninja thing, and sure enough Craig follows suit. In the words of the man himself, "It was important to me that I do as many of my own stunts as possible for authenticity... I wanted to be seen jumping from crane to crane, physically exerting myself. I didn't get fit just to take my shirt off." Fair enough, Daniel. In which other Bond film has a new actor in the role proved himself so deserving of the role, physically or otherwise? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZxNbAwY_rk

Cinephile since 1993, aged 4, when he saw his very first film in the cinema - Jurassic Park - which is also evidence of damn fine parenting. World champion at Six Degrees of Separation. Lender of DVDs to cheap mates. Connoisseur of Marvel Comics and its Cinematic Universe.