9 Most Powerful LGBT+ Movie Scenes Ever

7. Prayers For Bobby - Mary’s Speech

A portrait of a lady on fire
Lifetime Television

Religious trauma is experienced by a lot of people in the LGBT+ community, especially those who grow up in heavily religious households being constantly told that their identity is sinful and wrong. Prayers For Bobby centres this religious hatred in a family’s life as they struggle to come to terms with the son’s coming out.

Unfortunately the mother, Mary (played by Sigourney Weaver), doesn’t manage to overcome her own bigotry for the good of her son. With her last words to him being vitriolic hate, her son ends his life.

In the wake of this loss Mary reevaluates her understanding of the scripture and the origins of her biases. She gives a speech in a local council meeting supporting a pride event, in which she details her own failings as a parent and all the damage her homophobic hatred did.

Perhaps the most impactful part of the speech scene comes as Mary insists you have to be careful with the bigotry you share because “a child is listening” somewhere - and that child can be irreversibly damaged by your hatred.


WhatCulture's shortest contributor (probably). Lover of cats, baked goods and Netflix Originals.