9 Movie Actors So Attractive Their Co-Stars Forgot Their Lines

6. Jennifer Aniston - Friends

the change up

A somewhat cuter and more "innocent" story now, then. The luminous Jennifer Aniston has and always will be a head-turner, and during her time on the star-making sitcom Friends, her beauty caught the eye of an unexpected co-star.

During a recent interview with Drew Barrymore, Cole Sprouse - who played Ross' (David Schwimmer) son Ben on the show - admitted that he had a massive crush on Aniston and consequently struggled to get through his lines while working opposite her:

"It actually made it quite difficult to work in front of her, I must admit... I would stammer a lot and I'd forget my lines."

Hilariously, the crew were all-too aware of this and ensured to make light of it:

"I was teased a little bit by the crew, because they saw it and I would just forget [my lines] and be looking at her. I feel like I'd maintain my composure a bit more effectively now, but it was quite difficult when I was a kid... The whole world had a crush on Jennifer Aniston."

No lies detected there, and considering Cole was just seven years old when he began playing Ben, it's tough to imagine anyone being hard on him about his inability to concentrate.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.