9 Movie Biopics Despised By Their Own Subjects

8. The Doors (The Doors)

thedoors Trust Oliver Stone to show up in this list; his entertaining Val Kilmer-starring biopic depicts the early days of Jim Morrison, as he forms the band The Doors, and then dabbles in drugs throughout the 1960s, becoming increasingly erratic before dying of an overdose at the mere age of 27. The remaining members of The Doors all expressed displeasure with Stone's film, noting that despite offering technical advice to Stone, he often chose to ignore it. The group were particularly unhappy with Stone's portrayal of not just themselves, but Morrison, claiming that his out of control nature was wildly exaggerated, "It was not about Jim Morrison. It was about Jimbo Morrison, the drunk. God, where was the sensitive poet and the funny guy? The guy I knew was not on that screen." The band members are seemingly united in believing that the film gave fans a misinterpretation of everything that was The Doors and Morrison, short of the oversexed myth that some people - seemingly Stone - would rather believe. Though they have praised the technical execution and many individual scenes, they clearly do not favour the way that they and Morrison were treated.

Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.