9 Movie Biopics Despised By Their Own Subjects

6. Clifford Irving (The Hoax)

The Hoax Richard Gere Richard Gere gives one of his best recent performances as Clifford Irving, a washed up investigative journalist who fabricates the claim that he helped Howard Hughes pen his own autobiography. Irving objected so fervently to the film that, though initially aiding the filmmakers as a consultant, he requested that his name be removed from the credits after reading the final script. Irving took umbrage with his portrayal as "desperate and humorless, a washed-up hack writer who lives in a conservative New York suburb." He further complained that it was "a historically cockeyed story", and that his wife, "a woman of great zest, is portrayed as a dull hausfrau", and his mistress is depicted as "barely one level above a New York hotel hooker". In Irving's favour, it's such a niche subject and the movie never found much of an audience - failing to recoup even half its budget - so it's safe to say that his reputation wasn't harmed too badly as a result.

Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.