9 Movie Characters That Deserved Better

1. David Dunn - Glass

Unbreakable M Night Shyamalan
Buena Vista Pictures

Maybe the reason Bruce Willis currently sleepwalks through movies is because writers and directors seem to want to put him through hell regardless.

In M. Night Shyamalan's Glass, the makeshift final part of a trilogy comprising 2000's Unbreakable and 2016's Split, we all expected further dissection of his moral compass, and how supernatural abilities play into a life of vigilante justice.

Granted, the movie does open with some heartwarming shots of Dunn working with son Joseph (brilliantly played by returning-after-18-years Spencer Clark), but that's literally it.

David gets to slam a thug against a wall, rescue some teenagers and... then get imprisoned for the majority of the flick.

He finally busts out and fights James McAvoy's The Horde in a pretty amateurish shoving contest, but then disappears into the movie's biggest twist, as he's drowned in a puddle by someone off-screen.

Yes, one of the purest cinematic heroes we've ever seen, who doubles as one of the only actual characters M. Night Shyamalan has ever written, gets drowned, face-down, in a puddle, by an arm reaching in from off-screen.

Though Shyamalan apparently worked tirelessly to get this movie off the ground, David Dunn's death felt like M. Night himself killing the character so he'd never have to revisit this mythos ever again.

Oh, and Kevin Wendall Crumb's father also being on the same train as Dunn? That almost undoes the entire point of Unbreakable being about David's discovery as a one-off superhero grappling with how to live and what to do.

M. Night really is a "first draft" kinda guy, isn't he?


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